Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's a LibraryThing

As my fascination,obsession even, with literature grows, I keep finding new ways to nurture it via the web. My new love is . This is so much fun. I used to think it was stupid to create a list of all the books you have, have read, want to read etc. But now I find that there is a reason for it. The reason is so that you can connect with others that share your love of reading and writers.

So I created a list of all the books that I want to mooch and I have been adding to it steadily. In the meantime, I have read some interesting blog posts, played some silly games involving book titles, met some folks who I have encountered on BookMooch and just had some fun wasting time. I have also found that there are literally hundreds, even thousands of writers that I have never heard of and I thought I was well read. This gives me hope because if there is room for them, there must be room for me to write too.

So if you have a deep and abiding love of books and reading, you might enjoy checking out the website. Happy surfing!

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