Thursday, April 2, 2009


Lately I have been swamped with all sorts of online writing possibilities and I have been busy working on all of them.

The most exciting is the fact that I am now the family travel "EXPERT" for the Phoenix area according to I have written my first article and hope that it's posted soon. When it is, I'll be sure the let everyone know.

I am also going to be a contributer, blogger and fundraiser for a new website, This arose from my own experiences with breast cancer but I will actually be blogging about what I know best, travel. I will be writing about great trips that cancer survivors can take but they will be intersting to everyone so I hope you will all take the time to read them and let your friends know about them. It is a wonderful site and we would like to get the word out, especially to those many folks who might find comfort in the many uplifting and helpful messages that can be found there.

I have been thinking for a long time of writing something to send in for "This I Believe" on NPR. I even began writing a piece that focused on my cancer experience and how it changed my life. It was a good piece but it didn't really fit the bill of something that "I believe." So when my friend Kristin Spinning called and requested my story for the Cancer Journeys book, I realized that I already had it started. Later that day, I began thinking about "This I Believe" again and realized that what I really believe in is travel. Then it all came to me in a flash and I had it. Now I just have to get it down on paper and submit it.

I will let you know if it gets accepted. I will let the entire world know if it gets accepted. In the mean time, I will keep blogging and posting and traveling.